April Update (2021)

Close to 0 duplicates

Our efforts leading up to the 2 big changes made in March had the desired effect. During the last 4 weeks (March 5th - April 2nd), we've only had 1 repeated recording name in our database. Here's the data since the start of the year:

Number of recording names with more than 1 entry in the database (mostly duplicates).

Individually, each account experienced a very small number of repeated recording names (duplicates or triplicates, etc..) but when you add all of them up across regions it amounts to a major improvement for the platform.

Other updates

We also fixed the public storage URLs when using S3 buckets with a dot in their name, we increased and clarified the size limit for file uploads (1GiB instead of 1000 MiB) and fixed an important issue that lead to longer than desired recordings in some corner cases more common with 3rd party form and survey solutions.

PS: We finally got round to adding Cristi, our new engineer, to our About page :). Cristi has been helping us since August of 2020 with all major improvements.

April Update (2021)
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