Pipe 0.9 Is Live
New round of updates has been released for Pipe.
Officially Supported Browsers
We have defined the list of the officially browsers Pipe will support
On Desktop:
- Firefox 35 and up
- Chrome 4 and up
- Safari 4 and up
- Internet Explorer 9 and up
- Edge 12
On Mobile:
- Android Browser on Android version 4.4 and up
- Safari on iOS version 3.2 and up
Timezone Data in Webhooks
The webhooks payload data now contains 2 new fields: dateTime and timeZone.
is the date and time relative to your timezone settings at which the video has finished converting.timeZone
represents your selected time zone in the account settings.
Videos with no audio are now marked
Videos that have been recorded without audio are now marked in the videos list, with possible explanations of why the video has no audio track.
Optimizations for Video Conversion
We made some adjustments and updates to our conversion mechanism to fix a reported issue with playback of .mp4 files in Internet Explorer.
New Documentation
- Added documentation on how multilanguage works in Pipe and how to load your own external language files.
- Added documentation about supported browsers.
- Added documentation about the new payload data(dateTime and timeZone) of webhooks.
Click here to read the documentation.
Other Updates
- Old videos that were still stored on our VPS were moved to S3 and links are now being redirected. As a result our whole storage is now on Amazon S3.
- Added account hash information in the account area, for future integrations.
- Updated account area help panel.
- Updated webhook tab help panel.