Auto Delete Recordings with the New Lifecycle Feature

Auto Delete Recordings with the New Lifecycle Feature

Today we're rolling out a new way to delete recordings.

Similar to the AWS S3 lifecycle, the Pipe lifecycle allows you to automatically delete recordings (files from our storage and their metadata from our database) after a number of days.

This helps a lot when:

  • the lifetime/usefulness of a recording is short or otherwise well defined
  • you'll not be using the Pipe platform anymore and want to delete vast amounts of data/recordings stored by us before we delete it which is 28 days after the subscription expiration time
  • you need to comply with strict personal data protection laws & regulations (GDPR)

To enable the lifecycle deletion on one of your enviornments:

  1. Sign in to your account area
  2. Go to environment settings (make sure you're on the right environment) by clicking on the cog wheel at the top right
  3. Scroll down to Recordings Lifecycle, type in a day interval and toggle the active checkbox
  4. Scroll down and click [Save environment]

Done! The lifecycle mechanism will start removing recordings within 5 minutes. This mechanism can delete up to 72k recordings (and all their associated files) per day.

The earliest a recording can be deleted is 3 days (75 hours to be more exact) so that the recordings have time to go through our retry mechanism should any step in the processing pipeline (copy, convert, store) fail.

Recordings that for some reason fail to be processed (fail to copy, transcode or push to any storage) even after passing through our retry mechanism will NOT be deleted by the lifecycle mechanism in order to allow for debugging. These will have to be manually deleted.

Auto Delete Recordings with the New Lifecycle Feature
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