Our 2nd Generation HTML5 Video Recorder

Our 2nd Generation HTML5 Video Recorder

Since releasing our 1st HTML desktop video recorder in December 2016 we’ve never stopped improving it. The work culminated this summer with more than a dozen weeks of hard work & research that resulted in a new much improved HTML only desktop video recorder.

Last week we’ve finally pushed our 2nd generation HTML video recorder to our client delivery servers. It has been completely rewritten and does not rely on WebRTC anymore – except for getUserMedia() – but on a better streaming technology which makes it possible to record higher quality videos.

This new HTML video recorder is a huge improvement over the previous one:

This new desktop recorder also fixes the 2 issues that have plagued our WebRTC based video recorder and that have kept us from pulling it out of beta:

  • some videos not having sound
  • some videos ending up with 0kb in size

The requirements have remained roughly the same with only Chrome’s minimum version being bumped up from 47 to 49.

The new recorder has been running on our new homepage for some time now and the results have been impressive.

Pipe accounts which have activated the HTML5 video recorder beta in their Environments will automatically embed the new one and should already see the improvements in video quality in recent videos.

The comparison documentation, requirements and website copy have all been thoroughly updated to reflect the new video recorder.

Our 2nd Generation HTML5 Video Recorder
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