Price Increase for the PRO Plan and Old Grandfathered Subscriptions

Price Increase for the PRO Plan and Old Grandfathered Subscriptions

Our last subscription price increase was on the 1st of October 2017.

Since then, we've put in almost 5 years of work into the Pipe platform. We've added CDN for the recording client. We've updated the recording client to support audio-only and up to 4k video recording. We've developed and launched the 2.0 embed code. We've fully migrated away from Flash and added beta support for Safari on macOS. We've launched the inline recorder for iOS and Android. We've introduced extension-free screen recording, the Transcoding engine and went through 3 iterations of Sign In with Google. In 2018 came GDPR, and in 2020 the Schrems 2 decision. Both warranted major changes to how we process personal data for our customers incluing creating a new EU Silo. In 2020 came the pandemic, which lead us to introduce a 2nd US region: us2 and put us on a 2-year development spree during which we revisited and optimized almost all aspects of our platform. As a result, we can now process vast numbers of recordings with little effort - the record is 220k recordings in 24 hours in one region. On top of all these major effors we've fixed many bugs, we've significantly improved all the documentation and we've repetedly raised the level of security around the data and our operations.

There are also more features coming along too. We're working on teams on the ability to export the recording data as .csv, on a new 2.0 REST API that's in testing, and a new desktop/mobile UI for the recording client. The value we're delivering through our service continues to grow.

As a result, we'll increase the price for our PRO plan and stop grandfathering old subscriptions:

  1. the price of our PRO plan increases to $250/mo from $200/mo
  2. all old Pipe PRO early access subscriptions and the non early access PRO subs paying $100/mo and $125/mo respectively will be switched to the main Pipe PRO subscription and pay $250/mo
  3. the Pipe Standard price remains unchanged at $50
  4. all old Pipe Personal early access subscriptions and the non early access Personal subs paying $20/mo and $25/mo respectively will be switched to Pipe Standard subscription and be charged $50/mo

The new rates will be charged starting on the 1st of July 2022 - 4 years and 9 months since the last increase. Renewals on the 1st of July and subsequent days will be made at the new prices.

If you have a paused subscription (you're not using the platform but paying a significantly reduced price), you'll be unaffected (le: for the duration of the pause).

If you already pay more than the new price - because your monthly usage exceeds also the new prices - you'll be unaffected.

The per minute prices for recordings will not change.

All prices above are exclusive of VAT, sales tax, GST, IVA, etc.

Should you wish to cancel your subscription in light of this price increase, you can do so from .

Should you wish to downgrade (or upgrade) your plan, you'll find links to the respective pages in the top left menu of your Pipe account dashboard.

Should you wish to continue to support Pipe's development you don't have to do anything :). The price and subscription changes will be automatic for you.

Price Increase for the PRO Plan and Old Grandfathered Subscriptions
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