Product Updates New Warning For Low Microphone Input Volume Yesterday, we rolled out a new desktop recording client build, which includes a new near real-time warning for when the microphone input is detected as very low. The microphone input value is evaluated
Product Updates New Animation for the Microphone Input We've been looking at ways to minimize the number of recordings we receive with no sound or sound that's too silent to hear. In this respect, the 1st update
Technology Turning on the new Camera and Microphone Selector & Preview in Chrome Starting with Chrome 123 there's a new feature that allows you to 1. select the desired camera 2. select the desired microphone 3. preview the selected camera video stream 4. test
Technology Dealing With Huge MediaRecorder Chunks A more technical blog post. We've been monitoring the size of the chunks made available through MediaRecorder's ondataavailable function for a while. For example, with a timeslice of 200ms,
Product Updates Building the Best Camera & Microphone Selector Why We Need a Camera & Microphone Selector Historically, with our browser-based desktop recording client, we've relied on the browser features for the user to choose their audio and video recording
Gravity Forms How To Add One or More Video Recorders to Gravity Forms Using the 2.0 Embed Code In this tutorial, we will show you how to add one or multiple video recorders to your Gravity Forms form. We have an older article showing you how to integrate between Pipe and
Product Updates Important Announcement: EU1 Will Stop Accepting New Recordings on the 1st of August 2023 After introducing the EU2 region and migrating from EU1 to EU2 in the Auto-all distribution mechanism, it is now time to say goodbye to EU1. Starting with the 1st of August 2023, the
Product Updates Responsive Desktop Recording Client Over the past few weeks, we've worked together with our new colleague Alexandru on two related front-end tasks: 1. The ability to specify the CSS length unit for width in the
Product Updates Support for Explicit FTP over SSL/TLS Yesterday we've rolled out support for FTPS (Explicit FTP over SSL/TLS) to the Pipe Platform. This means that our customers can now transfer recording files to their final storage location
Technology Amazon S3 Object URLs When we push a file to your Amazon S3 bucket, Amazon will generate a (private) https link (named Object URL) for the file. The link is available in the AWS Management Console for
Product Updates Important Announcement: the EU2 region will replace EU1 in Auto-all The EU2 region has been introduced on the 1st of September 2021. It's now time to phase out the EU1 region. 1st step The 1st step is to replace the EU1
Product Updates Simple Region Switching Guide: EU1 to EU2 This is a blog post version of a Google docs we shared with our clients when we introduced the EU2 region. In September of 2021 we rolled out a new files processing region
Product Updates A New Dropbox Integration We've just rolled out a new way to push recordings and their associated files to Dropbox. This new integration is simpler - it does not require you to create your own
Monthly Update June & July 2022 Update Most of our work hours during June have gone into iterating on the export feature and preparing it for production. By the end of June we were ready to use it with a
Product Updates New Feature: Export Recording Data A new feature has been rolled out today: the ability to export the recording data on your Pipe account as .csv. The feature is available to all accounts (trial, PRO, Standard, etc.) in
Product Updates Price Increase for the PRO Plan and Old Grandfathered Subscriptions Our last subscription price increase was on the 1st of October 2017. Since then, we've put in almost 5 years of work into the Pipe platform. We've added CDN
Technology Using Gearman in 2022 We're using Gearman to process tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of recordings per day. This is the summary of work & research done by all 3 engineers at Pipe:
Monthly Update May 2022 Update At the beginning of May, we had to process a significant volume of small recordings on our us1 region in a small amount of time. This event took over the entire engineering month.
Monthly Update April 2022 Update Fairly quiet month from an engineering standpoint. We're migrating to StatusCake from Pingdom. We're taking a deeper look at our processing infrastructure code. We've started working on
Monthly Update February & March 2022 Update February 1 was the date we launched the new oAuth flow for our Sign In With Google feature. I've covered the update in more detail in A Proper Sign In With
Product Updates A Proper Sign In With Google Implementation I believe we're at the 3rd iteration of our Sign In With Google mechanism. I think this time, we finally got it right. It started as a privacy related task. We
Product Updates Updates to Pipe’s Terms of Service We’re updating our Terms of Service. The updates should make it easier to understand what to expect when you use the service. There are no significant changes. Here's what changed:
Monthly Update January 2022 Update January ended with the announcement that we've increased the max daily number of recordings limit, the max file size for uploads and the default max recording time by 5x. But a
Product Updates A 5x Increase In Our Platform Limits We've substantially increased some of the limits on the Pipe Platform. 5x Daily Recording Limits The daily recording limits have been introduced during the early months of the 2020 Pandemic for
Product Updates Inline HTML5 Desktop Recorder on Safari on iOS Pipe’s HTML5 desktop recorder can now be used inline on Safari on iOS/iPadOS 14.3+. The move is part of our effort to provide desktop-like inline recorders on mobile devices. Almost