Record Audio In HTML5 Using Recorder.js to capture WAV audio in HTML5 and upload it to your server or download locally This is the 1st post in our new recording audio in HTML5 series. Next, we’ll cover using WebAudioRecorder, vmsg, the opus-recorder and MediaRecording API. Matt Diamond‘s Recorder.js is a popular
Technology 10 Advanced Features In The HTML5 <video> Player We’ve covered the basics of adding a video to your web page using the <video> element and briefly listed the <video> element’s more advanced features in an
Product Updates The Amazon CloudFront CDN Shaved Off Up To 50% of Our Recorder Client Loading Time When user numbers start to grow, one can expect that they will start accessing your service from different geographical regions. Relying on servers located in just one particular region (Europe in our case)
Technology Common getUserMedia() Errors Once you get getUserMedia() working with audio and video constraints you immediately start hitting problems like: 1. user has no webcam, just a microphone 2. user has (accidentally) denied access to the webcam
Technology getUserMedia() Video Constraints WebRTC is constantly evolving and with it, it’s most known function getUserMedia(). With it you can get access to the device’s webcams and microphones and request a video stream, an audio
Technology Supported Audio Constraints in getUserMedia() The No.1 feature request we got this year is the ability to record audio instead of video so we set out to deliver just that, hopefully by the end of the year.
Technology Smarter Video Hosting & Delivery With Cloudinary When it comes to storing your (newly recorded) videos Amazon’s S3 is the obvious choice and it’s a great choice. But Cloudinary’s video platform is a lot more powerful when
Technology HEIF and HEVC in iOS 11: Quick Overview With iOS 11, Apple added an option to compress both photos and videos with a new, more efficient encoding called HEVC or High Efficiency Video Codec. It also introduced the HEIF file format
Technology Using The HTML < video > Element To Play Videos In Your Website We’ve come a long way since Flash was the de facto plugin for reliably playing videos across browsers. Today it’s as easy as adding 3 lines of HTML code: <video
Technology Why we chose WebRTC over Media Recorder API for HTML5 Video Recording This post will look back at our decision to use WebRTC over Media Recorder API for recording video from a browser. Read on for the technical details. By Q4 2016 Safari was the
Technology Troubleshooting WebRTC Connection Issues Failed WebRTC connections can be caused by restrictive networks behind symmetric NATs, port blocks and even protocol blocks at the application & transport layers. We will delve in the intricate process of establishing
Technology Correct Syntax for HTML Media Capture While researching HTML Media Capture for recording videos from mobile devices with the Pipe video recorder we’ve came across several possible syntaxes. This post explains where they originate from and which one
Technology Flash is turned off by default in Safari 10 on macOS Sierra. Here's what you can do about it [AS A DEVELOPER] macOS Sierra was launched yesterday, and with it came a new version of Safari, Safari 10. Along with new features like Apple Pay, Safari 10 in Sierra introduces changes in the way it
Technology I've disabled Flash for a week In light of recent announcements from both Safari and Chrome that they’ll stop advertising Flash Player’s presence I’ve decided to see how ready the Internet is to move past Flash’
Technology HTML Media Capture Video Quality When Recording Videos From Safari on iOS iOS 7.1 and later supports video recording in Safari through HTML Media Capture. HTML Media Capture works by extending the <input type="file"> and adding new values for
Technology Media Recorder API is Now Supported by 65% of all Desktop Internet Users The Media Recorder API is the new HTML5 API for recording video in the browser. With Firefox supporting it for at least 2 years and Chrome having implemented it at the beginning of
Technology HTML5’s Media Recorder API in Action on Chrome and Firefox April 2016 update: added info about Chrome 49 October 2016 update: added H.264 support for Chrome 52 For many years recording webcam video on the web meant using Adobe’s Flash plugin.
Technology Recording 4k Video Over The Web With The Lumia 930 Mobile Device Back in December 2014 several Nokia Lumia devices got the ability to record 4k video with the Denim update – the one that also brought Cortana. While true 4K means 4096 x 2160 pixels,
Technology The New Video Recording Prompt for HTML Media Capture in iOS9 iOS 9 is scheduled to be released this autumn and it brings many changes, but today we’re going to look at one of the lesser known ones: the change to the HTML
Technology Rotation Metadata in Video Files Created by Mobile Devices Videos recorded using mobile devices contain a lot of metadata. One piece of such data is the rotation metadata. This data is used by browsers such as Chrome and Safari and by video