Product Updates Introducing Per Second Pricing One thing we’ve been pondering on for a long while is removing the round up to the 1st minute we’ve had in place since launching and moving towards no round up.
Record Audio In HTML5 Recording Audio in the Browser Using the MediaStream Recorder API This is the 4th post in our new recording audio in HTML5 series. We’ve previously covered how to record pcm audio using the JavaScript based Recorder.js, pcm, mp3 and Vorbis using
Product Updates Way Better Storage Logs In The Pipe Account Area One of the lower priority items we worked on when we added the ability to push the recordings to your preferred storage was showing the logs created in the process. Given the development
Record Audio In HTML5 Recording mp3 audio in HTML5 using vmsg - a WebAssembly library based on LAME This is the 3rd post in our new recording audio in HTML5 series. We’ve previously covered how to use Recorder.js to capture uncompressed pcm audio and WebAudioRecorder.js to capture pcm,
Record Audio In HTML5 Using WebAudioRecorder.js to Record MP3, Vorbis and WAV Audio on Your Website This is the 2nd post in our new recording audio in HTML5 series. In the 1st we’ve discussed Recorder.js. In this blog post, we’ll cover using WebAudioRecorder.js to record
Record Audio In HTML5 Using Recorder.js to capture WAV audio in HTML5 and upload it to your server or download locally This is the 1st post in our new recording audio in HTML5 series. Next, we’ll cover using WebAudioRecorder, vmsg, the opus-recorder and MediaRecording API. Matt Diamond‘s Recorder.js is a popular
Product Updates Pipe Just Got Better - US Recording Region Now Available A new US region for recording videos is now available in all Pipe accounts. Until now only the EU region was available. This new region, just like the existing EU region, hosts 3
Product Updates Pipe is Now GDPR Compliant As a European company, we’re glad to see the EU making updates to the aging data protection regulations from 1995. As you may know, GDPR, the new regulation, goes into effect tomorrow.
Product Updates 4 Changes To Our Webhooks Over the following month we are planning to revamp the number of webhooks and the data we send through them. We’re doing these changes to: * better group webhooks around the video lifecycle
Product Updates Audio & Video File Uploads From Desktop Browsers One of the more popular feature requests we got is the ability to upload existing audio & video recordings from desktop browsers, a feat that has been implemented on mobile devices from the
Product Updates New S3 Bucket & More Entropy in File Names On the 1st of February 2018 we’ll be making 2 changes to our platform: 1. We’ll be switching to a new EU based S3 bucket named
Product Updates The Pipe Recorder Is Now Available Through The Amazon CDN We’ve been experimenting with delivering our video and audio recording client through a CDN for a few months now. Today we’re opening up the feature to all our clients. We’re
Product Updates Introducing FullHD, 2k and 4k Video Recording Starting with December 2017 Pipe will correctly record, process & store FullHD, 2k and 4k UHD/DCI videos. Quick resolutions overview: * HD is 1280×720 * FullHD is 1920×1080 * 2k is 2048×1080
Technology Common getUserMedia() Errors Once you get getUserMedia() working with audio and video constraints you immediately start hitting problems like: 1. user has no webcam, just a microphone 2. user has (accidentally) denied access to the webcam
Technology Supported Audio Constraints in getUserMedia() The No.1 feature request we got this year is the ability to record audio instead of video so we set out to deliver just that, hopefully by the end of the year.
Technology Smarter Video Hosting & Delivery With Cloudinary When it comes to storing your (newly recorded) videos Amazon’s S3 is the obvious choice and it’s a great choice. But Cloudinary’s video platform is a lot more powerful when
Product Updates Our 2nd Generation HTML5 Video Recorder Since releasing our 1st HTML desktop video recorder in December 2016 we’ve never stopped improving it. The work culminated this summer with more than a dozen weeks of hard work & research
Technology HEIF and HEVC in iOS 11: Quick Overview With iOS 11, Apple added an option to compress both photos and videos with a new, more efficient encoding called HEVC or High Efficiency Video Codec. It also introduced the HEIF file format
Technology Using The HTML < video > Element To Play Videos In Your Website We’ve come a long way since Flash was the de facto plugin for reliably playing videos across browsers. Today it’s as easy as adding 3 lines of HTML code: <video
Technology Why we chose WebRTC over Media Recorder API for HTML5 Video Recording This post will look back at our decision to use WebRTC over Media Recorder API for recording video from a browser. Read on for the technical details. By Q4 2016 Safari was the
Webcam Reviews All Top Logitech Webcams Compared (Including the 4k PRO/Brio) The hardware industry has several very good examples of product naming. The Intel Inside campaign and iPhone naming immediately come to mind. At the other end of the spectrum one of the eager
Technology Correct Syntax for HTML Media Capture While researching HTML Media Capture for recording videos from mobile devices with the Pipe video recorder we’ve came across several possible syntaxes. This post explains where they originate from and which one
Technology Flash is turned off by default in Safari 10 on macOS Sierra. Here's what you can do about it [AS A DEVELOPER] macOS Sierra was launched yesterday, and with it came a new version of Safari, Safari 10. Along with new features like Apple Pay, Safari 10 in Sierra introduces changes in the way it
Technology I've disabled Flash for a week In light of recent announcements from both Safari and Chrome that they’ll stop advertising Flash Player’s presence I’ve decided to see how ready the Internet is to move past Flash’
Technology HTML Media Capture Video Quality When Recording Videos From Safari on iOS iOS 7.1 and later supports video recording in Safari through HTML Media Capture. HTML Media Capture works by extending the <input type="file"> and adding new values for