Product Updates Pipe 0.16 is Live We are constantly trying to make the best product that Pipe can be with each new iteration, by intertwining our vision with feedback from our clients. Mobile Videos Cut to Length We cannot
Tutorials How to Record Video Using Gravity Forms and Pipe Video Recorder 11th of September 2023 update: There's a newer/updated article which uses the 2.0 embed code. You should follow that article as the 1.0 embed code used in this
Product Updates Pipe 0.15 Is Now Live After Pipe’s successful launch, we’ve continued to gather important client feedback. This new version of Pipe is the result of that. New Webhook Events We’ve implemented four new webhooks for
Product Updates Pipe Pricing Plans Now Available Today, after more than 1 year in development and 14 Pipe releases, we’re introducing the first two paid Pipe plans: * Personal * PRO Both plans have a monthly minimum commitment price that’s
Product Updates Pipe 0.13 Is Now Live With the launch of Pipe getting closer and closer, we are focused on developing the pricing and making some final adjustments, but we decided to make this intermediary update with some needed changes.
Technology HTML5’s Media Recorder API in Action on Chrome and Firefox April 2016 update: added info about Chrome 49 October 2016 update: added H.264 support for Chrome 52 For many years recording webcam video on the web meant using Adobe’s Flash plugin.
Product Updates Pipe 0.12 Rolled Out Another 2 weeks have passed since our last launch and Pipe just keeps getting better and better. The latest release, Pipe 0.12, packs with it the following updates: Video Email Notification You
Tutorials Converting FLV to MP4 With FFmpeg The Ultimate Guide [Conversion series Ep. 3] As promised we’re back with another episode of our Conversion Series and this time it’s going to be more technical than usual because I’m going to teach you everything you
Product Updates Pipe 0.11 Brings YouTube Integration and More We’ve been working hard again to make Pipe the best it can be. Here’s what we got for you in this latest update. Upload Videos to YouTube We’ve integrated YouTube
Product Updates Introducing The Pipe Video Recorder Plugin For WordPress Update September 2024: There is a new WordPress plugin available. You can read more about it in this blog post. In the past few months we’ve been hard at work improving Pipe
Tutorials How To Convert A Webm File To An Mp4 Online In 5 Minutes [Conversion series Ep. 2] Here we are with the second article of our conversion series and this time we’re going to talk about the cool new kid on the block, .webm, and how to convert it
Product Updates Pipe 0.10 Adds Dropbox Integration Pipe 0.10 is now live and it comes with some exciting new features. Dropbox integration We’ve added the option to upload videos to your Dropbox account directly from Pipe. All you
Tutorials How To Easily Extract Mp3 Audio From Mp4 With VLC [Conversion series Ep. 1] This is the first of a series of articles about audio and video file conversions. Why conversions? An important part of how Pipe works behind the scenes has to deal with converting video
Product Updates Pipe 0.9 Is Live New round of updates has been released for Pipe. Officially Supported Browsers We have defined the list of the officially browsers Pipe will support On Desktop: * Firefox 35 and up * Chrome 4 and
Product Updates Pipe 0.8 Is Live Pipe 0.8 brings some important changes to storage of videos and user experience. Updated Storage All the recorded videos from now on will be stored on our Amazon S3 storage and will
Technology Recording 4k Video Over The Web With The Lumia 930 Mobile Device Back in December 2014 several Nokia Lumia devices got the ability to record 4k video with the Denim update – the one that also brought Cortana. While true 4K means 4096 x 2160 pixels,
Technology The New Video Recording Prompt for HTML Media Capture in iOS9 iOS 9 is scheduled to be released this autumn and it brings many changes, but today we’re going to look at one of the lesser known ones: the change to the HTML
Product Updates Pipe 0.7 is Now Live One of the first things you will notice with the latest version of Pipe, is the new look. The design has been remade from the ground up and it now stands in line
Technology Rotation Metadata in Video Files Created by Mobile Devices Videos recorded using mobile devices contain a lot of metadata. One piece of such data is the rotation metadata. This data is used by browsers such as Chrome and Safari and by video
Hello World Pipe Blog: Hello World! I’m Octavian from Pipe and this is our new blog. We’ll write about video recording tech (obviously 🙂 ), HTML5, releases, our team, case studies, events, growth and a lot more. Our 1st